Route Map/Interchanges

Putra Interchange Tanjung Dua Belas (Future)
Wetland Teluk Panglima Garang
SKVE Pulau Carey (Future)
SKVE Saujana Putra Pulau Indah


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Features & Facilities

• Scenic highway
• Touch ‘n Go & SmartTAG Lanes
• Vehicle detectors
• Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras
• Emergency telephones on expressway
• Variable Message Signs (VMS) are used to deliver road information to road users in real time
• Video Information & Detection System (VIDS)
• Communication network
• PABX system
• Traffic Control & Surveillance Centre

Rest & Service Areas Food Court
Toilets SKVE Careline
Surau SKVE Traffic Assistance Team